Kayaking Levels
Our main goal is that you have an amazing time when you paddle with us! We will do everything we can to achieve this, but you also have to play your part. Kayaking levels are so important! As you can imagine, a kayak won’t move on it’s own specially where we want it to go! So, it is important that you have the experience needed for the trip you are about to book. Therefore, you can read a bit more on our Kayaking levels and decide what’s the best trip for your experience and knowledge.
Keep in mind that you can send us an email if you have any questions, we are happy to help!

Level 1
Location: semi-protected waterway with access
to shore. (Lakes and rivers with moderate current)
Distance paddled per day: 10 to 20 miles
Wind: 10 to 25 knots
Recommended Paddle Skills: Previous kayaking experience,
forward stroke, reverse stroke
Level 2
Location: semi-protected waterway with access
to shore. (Lakes and rivers with moderate current)
Distance paddled per day: 20 to 30 miles
Wind: 15 to 30 knots
Recommended Paddle Skills: forward stroke, reverse stroke,
draw and bracing strokes helpful
Level 3
Location: semi-protected waterway with access
to shore. (Lakes and rivers with moderate current)
Distance paddled per day: 30 to 50 miles
Wind: 20 to 35 knots
Recommended Paddle Skills: good balance, bracing,
paddling, ability to ferry and cross eddy lines in moderate currents
Physical Levels:

Accessible to all people in good health, paddle from 1 -2 hours per day.
Accessible to all those in good health, who are doing some sport regularly, 3-5 hours of paddling per day.
Suites those that are physically active and have some background in sea kayak. 6-8 hours of paddling per day.